Pen and Sword Books |
UK publisher of aviation books PEN AND SWORD BOOKS LTD, recognizing the worldwide interest shown in Lutz Warsitz' biography of his father entitled "Flugkapitän Erich Warsitz - der erste Düsenflugzeugpilot der Welt" which was published in 2006 to mark the 100th anniversary of the famous pilot's birth, has had the volume translated by Geoffrey Brooks. The English version is to be published in December 2008.
Translator Geoffrey Brooks has turned out thirty books in translation for British publishing houses and specializes in German military history of the 20th century. One of his latest translations is the successful "Sniper on the Eastern Front". To find out more about the book THE FIRST JET PILOT, click here...
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Documentary |
Canadian film producer Philip Osborn is currently working on a six-part documentary featuring some of the great technological secrets of Third Reich aviation. German scientists not only led the field in aerodynamic reasearch, but also rocket and jet propulsion. They brought the world into a new aviation era, erecting a bridge between "time and space".
This pathfinder series uses revolutionary computer graphics (as for the film Lord of the Rings) and actors to represent personalities and machines of the period, such as Flight Captain Erich Warsitz and the He 176 rocket aircraft he flew. For a preview of this breathtaking series, click here...
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