In these pages you will find the latest information about Flugkapitän Erich Warsitz, such as documentaries, the German Post Office commemorative stamp issue, literature and more! Under the Archive - tab you'll find rare historical videos, audio commentaries, dedications & witty anecdotes ...
Canadian film director Philip Osborn has produced a documentary featuring Flight Captain Erich Warsitz and the legendary Heinkel He 176. German scientists not only led the field in aerodynamic reasearch, but also rocket and jet propulsion. They brought the world into a new aviation era, erecting a bridge between "time and space". This breathtaking docufilm, entitledROCKETMEN, has been published by AERO CINEMA in February 2009.
"German scientist were brilliant pioneers in developing rockets, but first its volatile power source have to be harnessed if it was going to be military use. The first man (Erich Warsitz) flying the rocket plane (He 176) took a huge leap of faith. The next step was an ambitious proposal for a vertical take-off interceptor but it was abandoned in favour of a less dangerous option; the rocket plane (Me 163) would take off horizontally and then almost immediately climbs straight up.
As the Allies tightened their grip on the weak in Germany, the rocket scientists finally came to grips with vertical flight and the misterious Natter was launched; the test flight proved the concept, but killed the courageous young test pilot (Lothar Sieber). Still, the die having cast and the concept of the Natter anticipated by half a century the key elements of America's Space Shuttle program." (by courtesy of Aero Cinema & Classic Networks TV, 2009)... .... .
To view the ROCKETMEN-Documentary, inclusive interview with book author Lutz Warsitz, visit the official website AERO CINEMA